Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How to pick stock ( part 15 )


I bought plenitude two years ago and hold it for less than a year. The reason why I would buy it is because of the low pe and low price to book value ratio. This gave me a very good margin of safety when I purchased it.

The reason I purchased was because of its venture in iskandar region. I foresee it can provide a very good return with the limited risk involved- bankruptcy is not possible as it was cash cow company.

The reason I sold was because I wanted to pick the best stock in property market, which was mah sing for me for that point of time.

Lesson learned:
1. I knew that with limited resource, I should concentrate on less stock instead of diversifying the stock.
2. I knew that a good investment must consists of two factor:
- good buy price
- good sell price / grow power along holding it.

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